The River Wise™ program was developed in 1997 to meet the needs of children in remote communities who don’t have swimming pools, and to teach them how to swim and play safely in their own local rivers.
The focuses are on hazard awareness and avoidance, what to always wear, how to swim, self rescue and how to help a friend. Since then, Rescue Canada has been delivering these courses to community groups across Canada and introduces kids to a new awareness of their own very special world.
Click the link to find out when the next course is offered and to register.
The OVERhang Adventure Education Center offers these courses in Northern BC through Rescue Canada. For more information contact Rescue Canada at 1-800-663-8931,, or The OVERhang at .
Mon-Fri 4:30-10pm
Sat 12-6:30pm
Sun 2-8pm
Saturday 8:30-10:30am