Course Cancellation & Refund Policy

Cancellation by a student or their group/company/agency:

  • Poor weather is not an acceptable excuse for cancellation by students.  It's the reality of the world we live in!  If it's unsafe, the instructor will explore options.
  • All outdoor safety course registrations must be confirmed at least 48 hours in advance.
  • A participant must provide formal cancellation notice to OVERhang at least 48 hours before the course, to be considered for a refund, via a call or email to the OVERhang course coordinator.  A phone message left in the middle of the night does not count...
  • If formally notified more than 48 hours in advance, the client may choose a refund or a credit towards a future course.
  • Refunds will not be offered for private courses specifically created for a group/company/agency.  OVERhang and the client can explore dates for rescheduling, or other mutually agreed-upon options.
  • For swiftwater, ice, avalanche, snowmobile, survival, and wilderness first aid courses: many of these courses/workshops require specific arrangements by instructors because of small class sizes, shipping of materials, gear rental, stocking of consumables, travel to assess training sites and hazards in the days before - so last-minute refunds are not always possible within 72 hours (not inclusive of weekends) for swiftwater, ice, avalanche, snowmobile, survival, and wilderness first aid courses.  We do what we can to help people out, and we value our clients and their circumstances - but we also expect that our clients will respect our instructors' time and commitment.

Cancellation by OVERhang:

On rare occasions, OVERhang has to cancel a course/workshop/outing based on:

  • extreme low temperatures (below -25 degrees)
  • pandemics, wildfires, flooding, or other health/societal/environmental events outside of our control
  • instructor has an emergency
  • too few registrants.

On these occasions, students will be notified as soon as possible and will be issued a full refund, or (if the student prefers), a credit for future training or direct transfer into the next scheduled course.

Course Schedule

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Hours of Gym Operation

Mon-Fri 4:30-10pm
Sat 12-6:30pm
Sun 2-8pm
Saturday 8:30-10:30am



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