

OVERhang offers a variety of camps during Spring Break, Pro-D days, and Summer! These camps are a great way to get your kids active and learning.  Kids explore climbing as a sport, check out games and sports like tennis, head to the driving range, walk to nearby fields to play soccer and capture the flag, do fun crafts and egg drops, and do more climbing games!  We guarantee they go home tired.


Having fun, getting outside to play sports and water games, climbing climbing climbing, and making friends for life - THIS is what childhood is all about.


OVERhang offers Pro-D Day Camps.

Call us at 250-563-2547 to get on the interest list for the next camp!

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OVERhang offers a 5-day camp March 17-21 during School District 57's Spring Break in March 2025. Climbing, slack-lining, playing, crafts, games, more climbing... you name it!  Kids go home tired and happy after a fun active day with super engaging OVERhang camp leaders.



OVERhang offers One-Day and Weeklong jam-packed active and fun climbing/sport camps for kids through July and August! The kids climb their hearts out, and spend lots of time outdoors playing tennis, water games on the lawn... now and then we dial it down and do some arts and crafts, tie-died t-shirts, egg drops from the roof, or other lower energy activities. They head home tired at the end of each day.

OVERhang camps require a minimum of 6 participants to run any of the camps below. If this requirement is not met by the Wednesday before camp begins, that camp week will be cancelled.

We have a few options for camps, so have a look and find one that will work for your kids.


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Climbing Gym

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Hours of Gym Operation

Mon-Fri 4:30-10pm
Sat 12-6:30pm
Sun 2-8pm
Saturday 8:30-10:30am



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